what’s up what’s up!
How you doin? LOL, enough with the funny talk! I wanna chat about really What Makes a Bomb Website!
Let’s start with the reason you need a website in the first place. Everyone these days realizes too heavily on social media. Instagram is great and all, but what if FB, Insta & TikTok went down tomorrow? Can you honestly say you would still be able to connect with your ideal client? I am betting the answer is hell no… which is ok, that’s why you have me!
So when it comes to the branding and design I got you! We are going to create a beautiful brand and site to match that will speak to the soul of your ideal client. But let’s talk about things you can do to take it a step future.
Email List – If you haven’t signed up for an email list do it now! Flodesk or MailChimp are my favs. This way you have a quick way to contact people if socials ever go down. You never know when Insta will go down for the day and it may be the day you are dropping a sale!
Client Management System – Iris Works, HoneyBook, and Dubsado are great for photographers! Streamlining your business makes life so much easier on you and we can integrate your CRM with the website.
Good Words – Copywriting is SUPER important. My designs and your art can only take us so far. The words will provoke feelings for them too! We want them to connect with you on every level.
NEW headshots! – You need them. Why? So your prospective clients can see your pretty face. Shots or video of you in your element doin’ your thang!
Video – Following up on the headshots – video is such a great way to capture your client’s attention on your website. It can be of your surroundings or of you working! I can even help you find stock videos to use!
All this is so that when that client pops onto your site we are helping them see, understand, AND feel this site/you!
If you are missing some of these puzzle pieces for what makes a bomb website – add them to your to-do list for this year!